Ranch Kale Chips
January 25, 2013
Ranch Kale Chips

My family loves kale chips. As soon as the kale comes out of the oven, I turn around and see my kids grabbing at them, crunching away. I thought it might be fun to flavor them, like “real” chips. There is probably nothing in life that I find more scrumptious than Cool Ranch Doritos, so I thought I would try dry Ranch mix on the kale. I tried these two ways  – – first with the lemon juice as usual, and then dry Ranch mix on the chips, second without the lemon juice and Ranch. I for sure like the lemon juice because I feel like it kills some of the bitterness of the kale, and really brightens the flavor overall. These are awesome.

Preheat the oven to 275. Wash the kale and take the ribs out of the center, trying to keep the kale in one piece as much as possible. Dry the kale, and place on baking sheet. Try not to overlap too much, because the kale will get crunchy on some spots, and soft on the others. One bunch of kale usually means I have two large cookie sheets full.

Ranch Kale

Pour about 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the center of each tray, and toss with hands, rubbing the kale to make certain it’s all oiled. Take a cut lemon and squeeze juice all over kale to taste, but not too much – – probably what would equal a tablespoon. Toss again. Sprinkle kale with a little Ranch dry seasoning, keeping in mind the kale shrinks, and the salt flavor will be condensed. Also, you will be sprinkling more dressing mix on the cooked chips. Bake kale, turning half way through the cooking time. The total time baking usually runs 20 minutes. After kale is done, remove from oven and taste for saltiness, and let that determine how much more Ranch mix you need to add to the chips. Enjoy!




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