Dehydrating Yellow Squash and Squash Powder
October 7, 2021

It’s that time of the year I’m trying to put up summer produce, while planning fall holidays and balancing homeschool. A local farmer sold me a 20 pound box of freshly picked, tender yellow squash for $15, so of course I could not resist the purchase. I previously bought another box two weeks before, which I canned and froze.

How you preserve food determines ways it can be employed in the kitchen. For instance, canned squash is fit for casseroles, skillet meals, breads (shredded squash) and my hushpuppy recipe. Frozen squash is best for frying, sautéing, or baking. Dehydrated squash is always destined for my soup pot or quick breads.

I dehydrate my squash in two different forms – diced and shredded.

I also made squash powder to add to breads, soups and dips, but this is a new venture so I’ll report back. Here is a before and after of dehydrated squash ground into powder.

There is no need to blanch before dehydration – just cut and grate into desired shapes and set your dehydrator to 135. The amount of dehydration time depends on size of prepared squash.

Here is before and after dehydrating diced squash:

Here is shredded squash before and after dehydration:

I do about one quart of each shredded, and diced dehydrated squash for the year, which rehydrates into quite a bit. And considering I have a large amount of squash canned and frozen, I think we are set for yellow squash for the year. Now onto my next acquisition.- pumpkin.

1 Comment

  1. Mildred

    Very good. Thanks


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