I've been making my own hummus for years, and started feeding it to my kids as soon as they were able. My mother accused my then-toddlers of having garlic breath because of their love of hummus! I...
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Roasted Melon Seeds
Ahhh . .. I love finding ways to avoid wasting in the kitchen. My newest discovery is roasted melon seeds. Why should pumpkin seeds get all the love? I have not tried roasting watermelon seeds, but...
Chocolate Strawberry Granola Bars
There are some things that just drive up your grocery bill without you even knowing, and granola bars are one of them. I find them to be overpriced, and really not that good unless chocolate chips...
Ranch Kale Chips
My family loves kale chips. As soon as the kale comes out of the oven, I turn around and see my kids grabbing at them, crunching away. I thought it might be fun to flavor them, like "real" chips....