Squash Hush Puppies

Squash Hush Puppies

Hush puppies may be southern cuisine, but I grew to love them in California.  My parents would take us to this very casual (and fantastic) restaurant at Lake Wohlford. They specialized in catfish...

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Refrigerator Pickles

Refrigerator Pickles

My brother-in-law Greg doesn't like dill, so he typically passes over the pickles. I make three kinds of pickles, and one of them sans-dill, or so I thought. I brought some to our family camping...

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Smashed Potato Salad

Smashed Potato Salad

Have you ever boiled potatoes for potato salad, and overcooked them? With the kind of potato salad I make during the holidays, it would completely ruin my salad. For my holiday potato salad, I need...

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