Broccoli Cheese Tots

Broccoli Cheese Tots

My daughter Katelyn and I love dipping all kinds of food in ketchup, including tacos. Now we have one more food to dunk in that tomatoey goodness - - broccoli. You just need to trust me on this - -...

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Stir Fried Rice

Stir Fried Rice

I'm always looking for ways to use up the bits and pieces in my fridge. Soups, casseroles and quiche are the usual suspects, but stir-fry is an exciting way to turn leftovers into something more...

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Sweet Potato Casserole

Sweet Potato Casserole

I recently got two deals on sweet potatoes. One was 35 cents a pound, and the second deal was 28 cents a pound. I sold a good portion of the first batch, but kept all of the second batch, which was...

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