Aunt Gloria’s Slow Cooker Pork and Sauerkraut
March 3, 2010


Some of my best memories are from my Aunt Gloria and Uncle John’s house – – truly the old-fashioned kind. I remember riding my big wheel at the side of their house, near wide green cellar doors, passing by the tire swing where my cousins and I played. Uncle John built us a tree house in the back, and a see-saw. In the summer, my aunt would grow corn and tomatoes, and she always had red geraniums. But what really bringsĀ back warm childhood memories is the smell of Aunt Gloria’s pork and sauerkraut. It’s what my Aunt Gloria is known for the best. When it’s cooking, I feel like I’m back in her cozy house, with her wood stove cracking away, and Jenny and I playing Barbies.

I can’t say this is her exact recipe, because I don’t think she ever measured it out. I am making pork and sauerkraut for dinner tonight, and took notes while I put it together so I can share the recipe with you. It looks homely, and when I’ve put it on a platter, I’ve had guests actually scrunch their faces and say, “oh, looks good,” in not a very convincing manner. But when they take a bite of this dish, there is always an eyebrow-lifting moment of both surprise, and relief. This dish is a must-try — it is not only delicious, but budget-friendly. You should check out your dollar store for the cans of sauerkraut, and you can get pork butt for 79 cents a pound or less on sale. Serve this with mashed potatoes.

Aunt Gloria’s Slow Cooker Pork and Sauerkraut

  • 3-4 pound pork butt roast
  • 4, 14 ounce cans of sauerkraut
  • 1 1/4 cups brown sugar (don’t add less)
  • 1 TBSP caraway seed
  • 1 red delicious apple, sliced in large chunks

Place roast in crockpot, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. In a colander, drain sauerkraut but DO NOT RINSE. Add brown sugar, caraway seed, and apple. Stir. Place mixture over roast and cook for about 8 hours or until roast is falling apart. Serve with mashed potatoes.


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