Cast Iron Skillet Cornbread

Cast Iron Skillet Cornbread

Cornbread is pioneer food at its best - - simple,  hearty, and inexpensive. And although cornbread is most famous as a co-host for chili, I love warm, buttered cornbread for breakfast with a piece...

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Sweet Potato Bread

Sweet Potato Bread

We are trying to go awhile without going to the store, so I'm trying to be extra-vigilant about kitchen waste. Tonight I have my dehydrator filled with ginger, celery, oranges, and even blobs of...

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Pumpkin Apple Bread

Pumpkin Apple Bread

My whole family has something I do not - - a sweet tooth. Walking through the bakery aisle, it's "Oh mom, look at this," as they lustfully gaze at muffins and quick breads. Because I don't crave...

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