DIY Evaporated Milk

DIY Evaporated Milk

I keep powdered milk on hand for several reasons. First of all, for emergency purposes. When I say emergency purposes, I don't mean just tanking of the economy, leading to cleared off grocery...

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DIY Italian Dressing

DIY Italian Dressing

Glub, glub, glub . . . It's this sound which reminds me of store bought Italian dressing. Tilting the bottle of store bought Italian dressing is like playing with one of those oil and water toys ....

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DIY Salt-Free Taco Seasoning

DIY Salt-Free Taco Seasoning

I have quite a collection of herbs and spices, so instead of buying preservative and salt-laden seasoning packs, I make my own. It's frugal, and less expensive. And with taco seasoning, you never...

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Freezer Chicken Chunks

Freezer Chicken Chunks

I love the idea of convenience foods, but I don't like the quality or the price. I like making my own sausage, ground beef crumbles, pizza sauce, and meatballs, all for the freezer. I just added...

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How to Freeze Broccoli

How to Freeze Broccoli

My family loves broccoli. We eat it in stir fries, beef and broccoli, broccoli soup, in hot and cold pasta, and roasted. My best deal is 50 cents a pound, but I just caved and bought a box at 62...

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