Dehydrating Garlic

Dehydrating Garlic

I cook with garlic a lot, to the point I think our hearty consumption of this vegetable, along with ginger, has kept my family from colds and the flu for the past three years.  While I cook with...

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Dehydrated Banana Chips

Dehydrated Banana Chips

Making your own dehydrated fruit as opposed to buying, is a big money, and calorie saver. Store bought dehydrated fruit is often coated with sugar, and the bananas, well they actually fry those. I...

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Dehydrating Carrots

Dehydrating Carrots

I recently bought a 50 pound of carrots, 'cause I got them for $15. That's 30 cents a pound. I had been missing my dehydrated and canned carrots, so I was glad to get this deal. What does one do...

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